
segunda-feira, setembro 18, 2006

Papa-Sion-USA- ...

Do Tehran Times, cito (texto completo aqui):

Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said here on Monday that Pope Benedict XVI’s offensive remarks were part of a U.S.-Israeli conspiracy to create a conflict between religions.


"The issue of the insulting cartoons and the remarks of some U.S. politicians about Islam are different links in the chain of conspiracy to begin a crusade, and the Pope's remarks are the latest link in this chain," he added.


“Islamic jihad is not imposing one’s ideas on others. Rather, it is a liberation campaign pitting nations against the powers that enslave people,” the Leader said.

O texto do Papa está aqui, para quem quiser. Ver também o post do Lino, no Falta de Tempo.

Vai ser uma tragédia hilariante ver até que ponto vamos permitir o avanço da censura, e que argumentos vamos inventar para pactuar com ela...

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